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203-223-1118We know many of you are holding on to the last few days of summer, while others have been fall-ready for the past few weeks. Whether you are on the flip-flops-and-beach-days side or more of the scarves-and-pumpkin-spice type — the truth of the matter is the earlier you prepare for when the first leaves fall, the better off you’ll be.
So, as warm temperatures start to ease into crisp autumn breezes, here are five ways you can prepare your yard for the season ahead:
A full summer of bloom might have left you with a few underachieving trees and shrubs. Autumn is the perfect season to remove dead trees, however, we suggest waiting until the leaves fully fall. As that’s happening, plan a few days to remove the trees or contact a professional for help. Bonus! Consider using it as firewood or mulch.
Take a deep look at your tool kit and make sure they are safely stored for the winter ahead. A good cleaning and some oil will guard against rust, and you’ll be all ready to go at the first sign of spring.
While you might consider just bagging your leaves and putting them to the curb, you can also use them for your backyard compost pile. By raking them directly into the tarp, you can easily drag them to your pile.
If you do plan on bagging your leaves, rake them into rows rather than piles. This will make placing them in the bags a bit more manageable.
Don’t put your lawnmower away for the season just yet! Keep up with this routine to give your lawn a fighting chance against winter’s bitter chill. Once the temperatures drop, mow your property with your mower’s lowest blade setting to allow more sunlight for the grass and a quicker spring dry-out time.
For more information on how to protect, improve and enhance your lawn, contact us at Summer Rain Sprinklers. From irrigation systems to electrical repair and emergency servicing, we’re happy to help you find a solution that fits your unique home and budget.